Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Monster

I have a problem with honesty. If you met me, and knew me a little, you probably wouldn't think that I was a dishonest person, and as far as you need to know, I'm a law abiding citizen that can't look you in the eye and dish out any kind of fabrication. So... Maybe what I mean when I say that I have a problem with honestly is that I keep things to myself in order to skim over the whole honesty issue.

To be more succinct, I am evasive as all hell.

Blogging and I have a long off-and-on relationship. I like the idea and I hate the lack of privacy. I toyed with the idea of a food blog, maybe a fashion blog, a lifestyle blog... eh. What I most desire is a space of my own. Something that I can look back on and recall the best, mediocre, bad moments of my life. I haven't decided if I'm going to share, or what kind of blog this will be, but I have decided on one theme, and that, is honesty.

So today, my so-called "space," my blog, this new thing--is for the love of honesty.